Overdue Leadership Lessons

A LinkedIn Request To Remember This week I received a LinkedIn request I didn't expect.  A business owner I knew from fifteen years ago reached out to me, explaining that he was connecting with former interns from his business.  That's the power of social media today.  Connecting with the new and reconnecting with the old. … Continue reading Overdue Leadership Lessons

Stage Door to Leadership

In an empty theater, an actor stands on the stage overlooking a row of men and women seated in the audience.   These are the decision makers who will decide if he is cast in the play.  The director.  The choreographer.  The producers. The actor is on the last phase of what has been a grueling and lengthy … Continue reading Stage Door to Leadership

Lessons from Unknown Leaders

I saw the movie 42 recently and was struck by the leadership lessons it contained. Not just from Jackie Robinson, but also from this other guy named Branch Rickey. Before this movie I had not heard of this man. And that's a shame. Because he was truly a charismatic and transformative leader. He had guts. … Continue reading Lessons from Unknown Leaders